Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This blog is about 4 different summaries of interesting readings and 1 summary about a beautiful book named “Warrior of the Light.”These summaries have been different homework in my English course and through them I have learned about different strategies to learn English. For example, I learned to look for main ideas, to locate details, to evaluate the text, to identify facts and opinions, to look for vocabulary and synonyms or antonyms.
Also I have learned to reflect on my point of view about these readings, to show my feelings about life experiences and to look for different aspects of grammar like pronouns, spelling and different grammatical forms.
Creating a blog has been very important. It was a new experience for me. I feel proud about this blog because I learned a lot with it. When I began my English course I set out to learn a lot and I believe that I really achieved my goal. I hope to continue learning because I feel that I still have to work on writing and speaking to be better.
My favorite entry is the one about the “Warrior of the Light” because I learned a lot of things like new vocabulary, different grammatical forms and the most important its great message. I identified with this book, for this reason it is my favorite entry. I did not have the least favorite entry, every one was different and with every one I learned new things.
For all these reasons I recommended other students of English to have their own blogs. It is very interesting to learn by doing a blog.; it is a creative way to practice English and at the same time you can share your learning with many people. I loved to make this blog because I learned to develop my skills and a lot of strategies too. For this reason I think that after this course is over, I would like to continue posting a lot of entries or new blogs and in this way I will continue applying all the different aspects that I have learned in my Integrated English II course.
I think if I could start my blog all over again I probably would put all my assignments of grammar and also the videos that I have made in my Integrated English course, because they were a great effort for me and they have been an important part of my growth in English too. I think also my professors of English Ana T. Solano and Bianchinetta Benavides have been excellent professors and I have learned a lot about them because they have showed a lot of interest for their students and they are a great example to follow in my life like a future teacher.

The Warrior Of The Light

Summary of The Warrior Of The Light

Image by.ജ്പ്ഗ്

Warrior of the Light is an interesting manual about a warrior who teachers us to confront different situations in our lives.It begins with an interesting story about a woman and a child, this story has the main idea of this book. The story tells about a child who had a dream and he was perseverant until the end and, when he achieved his dream a woman handed him a blue notebook full of blank pages, and said to him: write about the warrior of the Light. He did not know about what the warrior of the Light is but she told him: “you already know that”. In this manual the warrior of the light has a lot of challenges and he faces them by mean with positive messages and also includes excerpts from the Bible and other books, for example:
: Christ said: “love your enemies” / God never abandons his children, but his purposes are unfathomable, and he builds the road with our own steps.
The book of Lao Tzu
: “we should let go of the idea of days and hours in order to pay more attention to the moment”.
Arabic proverb: “
you can give a fool a thousand intellects but the only one he will want is yours”.
Also the author uses a lot of abstract messages, so when you read you have to reflect about the message, but really the messages will be to improve ourselves make our dreams come true. The warrior of the light is a person who perseveres until the end and he always takes every opportunity to teach himself. This manual is like a friend because in every page you will find a message with a meaning. I think this author is a person who boosts us. His message is that everybody has to fight for their dreams. For him are not important the difficult moments because there are a lot of good thing to live for. Also he invited us to reflect about ourselves and he believes a lot of in God because some page speaks about God. I identified with this manual. I think we all are warriors but there are people who do not know it, but I know that I am a warrior of the light because I always follow my dreams and I am person who has had a lot perseverance in my life. The objective of this book is that everybody realizes that inside of themselves there is a warrior of the light. For this reason I recommended this book to all the people who have dreams and something they think that they cannot reach.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Summary of Proxemics

Proxemics is a person’s own space; it is distance from other people.Also it relates to our interpretation of the meaning of messages transmitted by the other people.For example, a person expressing anger is perceived as less threatening when the other person is not familiar, but if the person is a familiar person the expression of anger will be more threatening.The same occurs with expressions of love and intimacy.However it depends on the culture; for example, people from Latin cultures sit closer to each other than people from Northern European cultures.People who have a lot of trust, during a conversation could not have much distance, but if the person does not have trust, the person usually keeps the distance during the conversation. Also proxemics is important in business communication, because people can express their degree of intimacy and trust toward that person, but when the culture is different, people could feel threatened by the other’s personal space.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sony sued over controversial CDs

Summary of Sony sued over controversial CDs

Sony is facing several lawsuits because of installing spyware; this has caused damages because by means of this spyware, Sony collected personal data.This software was installed on around 50 of Sony’s CDs and many copies have been sold.An expert discovered a rootkit and used it to stop the copies of CDs.Many people who buy these CDs do not know anything about this spyware that can damage their computers.Sony has said it is helping finish these problems and Sony decided that customers could exchange these kind of CDs for new ones ,and Sony said that it had recalled all CDs .however Texan investigators said that it is no the truth.According with the EFF, this software is difficult to remove, so Sony could have a lot of attacks with this controversial software.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Christmas in Japan

Summary of Christmas in Japan

Christmas was introduced in Japan by the Christian missionaries, and for many years they were the only ones who celebrated it, but now the Christmas in Japan has a lot of meaning.Japanese like exchanging gifts a lot. The stores have many decorations and gifts especially for children.The story of the child Jesus born in a manger is interesting to the little girls of Japan.Besides exchanging gifts, they eat turkey; decorate their house with trees and in some homes Christmas carols are sung.Also there is a kind of “Santa Claus” but its name is Hoteisosho and he has eyes in the back of his head.Japanese are very superstitious; New Year’s Eve people make different traditions for the evil spirits out and for the good luck enter in their home.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Pursuit Of Happyness

Summary of The Pursuit Of Happyness


Linda and Chris Gardner live in a small apartment with their son ,Christopher.
Chris has invested his life selling scanners but most of the doctors think that they are expensive.Linda and Chris have a lot of bills accumulate ,so Linda leaves to Ny city because she wants to look for a better job,after leaving behind her son and his father.Chris accepts an unpaid intership at a firm Dean Witter Reynolds.Because of his lack of salary ,he and his son become homeless passing difficult circumstances but Chris struggles to improve the life of his son .Finally Chris become the only trainee in the firm. Then Chris gets the job and he begins his own brokerage firm.

I chose this movie ,because I liked a lot and for me it is a movie with a great message.