Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Warrior Of The Light

Summary of The Warrior Of The Light

Image by.ജ്പ്ഗ്

Warrior of the Light is an interesting manual about a warrior who teachers us to confront different situations in our lives.It begins with an interesting story about a woman and a child, this story has the main idea of this book. The story tells about a child who had a dream and he was perseverant until the end and, when he achieved his dream a woman handed him a blue notebook full of blank pages, and said to him: write about the warrior of the Light. He did not know about what the warrior of the Light is but she told him: “you already know that”. In this manual the warrior of the light has a lot of challenges and he faces them by mean with positive messages and also includes excerpts from the Bible and other books, for example:
: Christ said: “love your enemies” / God never abandons his children, but his purposes are unfathomable, and he builds the road with our own steps.
The book of Lao Tzu
: “we should let go of the idea of days and hours in order to pay more attention to the moment”.
Arabic proverb: “
you can give a fool a thousand intellects but the only one he will want is yours”.
Also the author uses a lot of abstract messages, so when you read you have to reflect about the message, but really the messages will be to improve ourselves make our dreams come true. The warrior of the light is a person who perseveres until the end and he always takes every opportunity to teach himself. This manual is like a friend because in every page you will find a message with a meaning. I think this author is a person who boosts us. His message is that everybody has to fight for their dreams. For him are not important the difficult moments because there are a lot of good thing to live for. Also he invited us to reflect about ourselves and he believes a lot of in God because some page speaks about God. I identified with this manual. I think we all are warriors but there are people who do not know it, but I know that I am a warrior of the light because I always follow my dreams and I am person who has had a lot perseverance in my life. The objective of this book is that everybody realizes that inside of themselves there is a warrior of the light. For this reason I recommended this book to all the people who have dreams and something they think that they cannot reach.

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